Whiter Teeth, Quickly and Predictably With Lasers
Christopher J. Walinski, DDS
Thanks to new advances in teeth whitening, turning a yellow smile
into a whiter, more dazzling one is easier than ever. In my
opinion, the best way to whiten teeth is with a dental laser.
In laser whitening, your teeth are cleaned to remove plaque.
Then a peroxide-based gel is applied, followed by laser light.
The procedure takes between 30 to 45 minutes and offers immediate
results. Although it may take more than one session to achieve
the desired level of bleaching, this is very uncommon and can
usually be completed with an at-home kit rather than another
session in the dental office.
So how does laser whitening work? First of all, the whitening
gel is very potent. Whereas take home kits typically provide
a gel with a 5 to 10 percent concentration, laser whitening gel
is more often in the range of 35 to 40%. Placing this gel onto
the tooth surface would whiten teeth even without a laser light.
So why the need for the laser? The simple answer is speed. We
are aware that chemical reactions occur more quickly in the presence
of heat. The laser offers us two advantages in this regard. Although
it is not hot, the gentle warmth of the specially-equipped laser
light speeds the whitening process. In addition, the specific
wavelength of laser light is used to initiate photoreceptors
for the chemical reaction that produces the whitening effect
more quickly and more deeply. In other words, the effect lasts
longer using a laser.
are newer light sources which have come onto the market using
what some doctors incorrectly advertise as laser whitening.
In fact, these are plasma arc lamps and are not lasers at all.
The sole reason for the plasma arc lamp, which is a very intense
light, is to heat the whitening gel while in contact with the
teeth. Because of the potential to burn the skin, cocoa butter,
tanning cream or vitamin E is usually placed on the skin around
the mouth to minimize the burn. The procedure lasts considerably
longer than with a laser, because the light activation takes
twice as long.
Clinically, the whitening results between the laser and plasma
arc systems are comparable, and cost of treatment is usually
the same as well. The biggest difference is that laser whitening
takes much less time and therefore is more comfortable to the
There are over-the-counter options available for tooth whitening.
However, because they are intended to be used in an unsupervised
fashion, to avoid the potential for serious damage to the teeth
and gums, the whitening agents they contain are significantly
weaker than those that can be obtained through a dental professional.
Therefore, the results you might expect from these products are
significantly limited as well.
No matter which method you choose, how white your teeth will
get depends on what color they are to begin with and the source
of the discoloration. Yellow teeth (often the result of superficial
staining caused by smoking, coffee, and tea) will usually get
significantly whiter. Gray teeth (caused not by stains but by
pigment deep inside the tooth) will lighten to a lesser degree.
The most common side effect of any bleaching procedure is sensitivity
to hot and cold, but that typically lasts for only about a day.
With proper aftercare, whitened teeth can stay bright for up
to three and a half years. To keep your smile bright as long
as possible, try these easy tips:
the "white teeth diet." Drink white wine instead
of red wine, and grapefruit juice instead of cranberry juice.
Cut back or eliminate the consumption of coffee and tea. Also
helpful is to use a "whitening" toothpaste with a mild
abrasive on a daily basis.
Dr. Christopher Walinski is in full-time private practice in
Fall River, Massachusetts and is the author of Waterlase Clinical
Techniques, the only “how-to” book currently available
for the YSGG laser wavelength, which has also been published
in Polish, Spanish and Portuguese. In addition, Dr. Walinski
has published numerous laser articles in journals throughout
North America, Australia and Europe. He can be reached at gobux27@yahoo.com